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Small scale gasification
First Norwegian small scale CHP based on gasification of locally sourced wood chips, located at Evenstad campus started up in 2016. The facility was produced by Volter and delivered by ETA Norge. The feedstock quality was a challenge thus a new reactor for pellets was developed.
In Norway, the prices of energy are relatively low, thus CHP production based on gasification is too expensive in comparison with other energy sources.
1.Location: Haugesund, Norway
2.Scandi Energi - Project
Drier supplied with residual heat from the gasifier for the drying of feedstock to a level of 85% dry matter.
Vacuum Gasification: The first stage of gasification is under a partial vacuum to reduce the formation of tars and oils.
Steam Gasification: The biochar, oils/tar and gas are passed to the second gasifier where the injection of steam enhances the cracking of remaining hydro-carbons.